Dose delivery system features
The system validates delivery instructions, orchestrates real-time monitoring and control, and stores clinical and service reports. It also allows for advanced beam delivery techniques and supports protons and carbons while being ready for helium.
The Service Toolkit provides access to system configuration, logs and measurements via a modern and user-friendly GUI conforming to the strictest functional and performance requirements.
The system supports real-time dose monitoring of all relevant beam parameters and processing of beam monitor data, enables fast interlocking, and maintains user access control.
The panel monitors all relevant beam parameters, controls critical workflow steps and has a built-in battery ensuring 30-minute operation in case of a power outage.
Find out more about how our DDS enhances your device!
Let us explain how we guarantee precise and accurate delivery of radiation doses!
How dose delivery system benefits you
Developed in line with the following medical standards: ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 62304, IEC 60601 family and IEC 62366. The dose delivery comes with all documentation required for certification.
All the performance and features of our dose delivery system are available out of the box. The default interfaces allow integration into any radiation therapy device with minimal effort.
The modular design of our dose system allows easy integration with existing interfaces for customer-specific functionality and efficient and robust deployment with guaranteed support for the lifetime of your device.
As a part of OncologyOne™ or as an integrated component, the dose delivery system supports different treatment room configurations, nozzle device configurations and geometry, and beam generation approaches.
Integration using your device and/or simulators allows complete testing. Faster development in an automated way ensures easier commissioning, especially for new technologies.