What Accelerates Me

What Accelerates Me?
No doubt: challenges and the path to the unknown – this, after all, is the passion of us entrepreneurs, for good or bad. It is what makes us different from most of the people who yearn for predictability and safety. In ancient times, I would have been a warrior or a hunter. Sooner or later, my drive to take risks would have gotten me killed. But at least, I would have died with my boots on, next to my men.
Fortunately, we live in much less dangerous modern times. Even more fortunately, I have an incredible team (not just men anymore!), which is making sure that I don’t take the wrong risks. The other thing that accelerates me is working with such fantastic people in open and trustful relations, just like a few friends getting together to climb a mountain. All the success of Cosylab is the result of an excellent team and teamwork, which are a great counterbalance to my eccentricity.
Even when I feel down (yes, even we maniac entrepreneurs have bad days) and I don’t think I can push anymore, the mere thought of responsibility towards the team and other people who trust and believe in me pulls me up and accelerates me again. Yes, loyalty and the feeling of responsibility accelerate me, too. It’s about my loyalty towards my close colleagues, towards all coworkers, and loyalty to the community I was raised in – the community that gave me so much.
Therefore, I am always happy to give back with the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated. Last but by far not least: loyalty towards fundamental human values and virtues, putting people before profit, justice before self-righteousness and stoic temperance before glory.
Yes, you may say that I try to live the Cosylab values by example:
Think bold, act modestly, work hard, enjoy life.