C-TCS with Integrated Imaging – A Step Closer to Adaptive Treatment
The new C-IMG module extends well-established C-TCS functionalities. Just by using a single GUI, the user can perform the entire single-session workflow. C-IMG supports all standard imaging modalities (MRI, CT, CBCT, X-ray) and imaging devices from different imaging providers, used in various treatment room configurations. The C-IMG provides protocol-based image acquisition and orchestrates the image acquisition within the C-TCS overall treatment workflow. Standard visualization tools allow reference CT to in-session images, image fusion, manual and fast automated image registration process. Based on registration results, the C-TCS automatically corrects the position of the patient with high precision, working in sync with the patient-positioning system and compensating for setup errors. C-TCS also archives in-session images and registration objects in the PACS and makes them available for further usage.
“The new C-TCS imaging capabilities will help clinical users to reduce risks related to the usage of multiple GUIs in the treatment control room and increase machine availability with seamless workflows. There is also a strong business rationale to unify software solutions. It makes sense for clinical users and machine providers at the same time. A good example is Leo Cancer Care, which will base their products on C-TCS”,
explains Mark Pleško, CEO of Cosylab d.d.
“Cosylab is very much focusing on the future, and we strongly believe in the on-line adaptive treatment. In this respect, the new C-TCS release is an important cornerstone of the hardware-agnostic platform for a future proof radiation therapy machine”,
concludes Pleško.
About C-TCS
The Cosylab Treatment Control System (C-TCS) is a complete, 3-in-1 treatment system which has several important features.
- Record & Verify (R&V)
As an R&V system, the C-TCS reduces the risk of treatment errors by ensuring that the treatment is executed according to the treatment plan and by recording all relevant information, pushing the treatment record to OIS and PACS. By using C-TCS, there is a clear split between OIS and the treatment machine concerning the overall patient journey and single session execution, allowing easier system integration. - Treatment session manager
The C-TCS acts as the primary coordinator of all actions and resources (software and hardware) based on the configured workflows and workflow profiles. It provides graphical user interfaces that display all the relevant treatment information and guide the user through the execution of the treatment, imaging, QA and commissioning workflows. - It’s a control system
The C-TCS provides a treatment control system layer, allowing adjacent systems (e.g. beam production, imaging, patient positioning) to focus just on low-level control. At the same time, C-TCS handles high-level control and integration into the overall treatment workflow.
Disclaimer: C-TCS and C-IMG are subject to regulatory clearance in some markets.