Indian Ambassador visits Cosylab
The group was led by the Indian ambassador to Slovenia, Her Excellency Namrata S. Kumar. It included the Head of Chancery, Mr. Amar Singh, and the Embassy Marketing Director, Mrs. Zaneta Statevska.
The meeting’s purpose was to present Cosylab’s engineering expertise and projects and its opportunities to enter the Indian market. Additionally, the participants of the meeting explored how Cosylab could also participate in other initiatives of the Indian Embassy in the area of experience and knowledge sharing and of future business development.
The Director of Cosylab, Dr Mark Plesko, presented the company’s history and current activities, focusing on its vision of operating in the Indian market. India is a country where statistics and projections show that cancer growth is expected to be high. Furthermore, it is a country that does not have adequate human resources and infrastructure for optimal cancer treatment programmes.
Cosylab’s vision is to work with local Indian partners to jointly provide a comprehensive, innovative and affordable solution for cancer care. The company’s initiative is to enable a larger portion of the population to access advanced irradiative cancer therapy. Currently, some cannot be treated due to infrastructural or economic reasons. The more the latter issues are resolved, the better India’s cancer situation will be in the future.
Both sides agreed that the event was not just an introductory meeting but also the beginning of longterm and successful cooperation between the parties in innovative radiotherapy.