The Path to a Better Beam at COSY Jülich Presented at IPAC’21
The need to improve the beam control at the COSY facility of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) demanded numerous upgrades of various parts of the control system and beam instrumentation hardware over the last few years.
The upgrade plan utilised a staged approach. The newly introduced technologies and upgraded parts had to comply with the existing control system technologies. The split and interface between the two were well planned, and all the risks were assessed. The team designed, implemented, and thoroughly tested the combination of existing and new functionality before putting the solution into production.
FZJ is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe, exploring the basic principles and applications in health, information, environment and energy. The fast progress on the beam-control overhaul was made possible by the close collaboration between IKP (the Institute for Nuclear Physics) of the FZJ and its industry partner Cosylab, the specialists in scientific control-systems integrations.
To learn more of the nitty-gritty details regarding the COSY Beam Controls beef-up, such as bunch-by-bunch data processing and automatic in-situ gain calibration, which enables noticeable reduction of the orbit rms deviation, see the IPAC’21 poster of the FZJ COSY solution at https://www.ipac21.org/files/abstracts-IPA2021-v2.pdf.
You can also view the video presentation at https://eduplay.rnp.br/portal/video/embed/110084.