Cosypulse, Short Pulse Generator

Developed for testing memristors
It allows for a generation of electrical pulses on the picosecond time scale without the need for an expensive and bulky laser system, which is typically required. SPG is also easy to operate and offers a wide variety of tunable parameters and possible upgrades while remaining very compact. SPG can be used in various working environments and research applications.
Key features
Precise. Highly configurable. Simple user interface. Can be developed into a custom-made solution.
- Generates ultra-short pulses (down to 22ps width)
- Develops high maximal amplitude (2,75V)
- Wide pulse width (22 ps – 11 ns) and period (625 ps – 1 s) range
- Single-shot, periodical and external-input pulse generation
- Connection for the external trigger signal
- Manual (GUI-triggered single shot) and internal/periodical trigger functionality
- Easily controlled over GUI
- Allows for unlimited settings to be saved
- Can be used in applications where very short (~20ps) pulses are required.
- Can be used in RF applications with high amplitude needs.
- Can be used in various RF applications or applications with the need for flexibility.
- Can be made into a custom-made solution according to your needs.
Technical Specifications
I/O connections
- Pulse output: 1.85 mm (female) connector for the pulse output.
- Trigger output: SMA (female) connector for the pulse-sync output for the oscilloscope trigger.
- Inverted trigger output: SMA (female) connector for the inverted pulse-sync output for the oscilloscope trigger.
- Trigger input: SMA (female) connector for the external trigger/clock generator.
Pulse output amplitude
- 6Vp @ pulse width 22ps
- 6Vp @ pulse width 33ps
- 8Vp @ pulse width 44ps
- 0Vp @ pulse width 55ps
- 3Vp @ pulse width 99ps
- 6Vp @ pulse width 198ps
- 75Vp @ pulse width 495ps to 11ns
Possible feature upgrades
- Multichannel capability
- Outputs for measurements
- Adjustable amplitude
- Pattern generator
- Programmable pulse sequence
Customer application
Jožef Stefan Institute
Department for complex matter
Jamova cesta 39
1000 Ljubljana
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The department’s expertise lays with deep understanding of demanding system requirements: high-precision timing, high signal & data throughput processing and the need to support various protocols and custom interfaces between devices.