Cosylab participates in the SLO-Chip initiative
The European Chip Act, adopted in December 2022, foresees measures to strengthen semiconductor production and increase the EU’s share of the global semiconductor market to reduce dependence on other players. This type of production already exists to some extent in Slovenia.
At SLO-Chip 2023, the first Slovenian conference on chips and semiconductors, held in Ljubljana on January 24, Dr. Mark Pleško, CEO of Cosylab and President of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering, presented Cosylab’s innovation projects in the semiconductor field and shared the company’s experience in developing solutions for complex chip manufacturing systems. He pointed out that in the world view, in addition to chips and the companies that produce them, the manufacturers of the equipment for their production are also significant. “The equipment is highly sophisticated, and its manufacturers are worth much more on the stock market than the chipmakers themselves.”
The event, organised by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, where work on chip development has been ongoing for many years, the MIDEM professional association, and the Slovenian branch of IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, brought together researchers, engineers, scientists and industry experts to gain insight into research and achievements in the field of chips and semiconductors, address current challenges and share new experiences and technologies.

Ljubljana, fakulteta.
Odprtje prve slovenske konference o cipih in polprevodnikih SLO-cip 2023, ki jo je organizirala Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani v sodelovanju s strokovnim drustvom za Mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale – MIDEM.
Direktor IJS Bostjan Zalar in direktor podjetja Cosylab ter predsednik Inzenirske akademije Slovenije Mark Plesko.