President Pahor receives Cosylab’s Jasna Hengovic and underlines his support for the Slovenian Proton Therapy Centre

Ljubljana, predsedniska palaca.
Predsednik republike Borut Pahor je sprejel inzenirko leta Jasno Hengovic.
Not only has our Jasna Hengovic won the prestigious Slovenian “Top female engineer of 2020” award but the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, received her on the 19th of January 2021!
Jasna works on Cosylab’s software products that enable hospitals to treat cancer with advanced proton therapy.
Accompanying Jasna were Mark Plesko, President of the Engineering Academy of Slovenia and CEO of Cosylab, and Edita Krajnovic, MSc, co-founder of the project “We will be engineers!” which inspires young people to pursue careers in engineering and innovation. The project’s goals are to foster interest in engineering, technological and natural-science professions among students of leading Slovenian high-schools gymnasiums. Since 2014, President Pahor has been the honorary sponsor of the project.
President Pahor congratulated Jasna on the recognition she received with the award, underlining that it was a valuable inspiration for young girls and boys who want to continue their careers in STEM fields.
In the continuation of the conversation, Jasna and Mark explained to President Pahor in more detail about the benefits of treating cancer with proton therapy. The latter is a treatment that destroys cancerous tumours more effectively and damages healthy tissue less than irradiance with X-rays.
President Pahor expressed his support of the strengthening initiative for establishing a modern Slovenian centre for proton therapy. The latter could benefit patients and society by enabling radiotherapy treatments that significantly complement other cancer treatment methods and promise better patient outcomes.