Custom software development and integration
We provide expertise in scope definition, project planning, managed services, risk management, and quality control to unlock your project’s full potential.
We offer unparalleled support in product strategy, system requirements, architecture, risk management, and verification and validation, ensuring a seamless and high-quality product delivery.
Our cutting-edge solutions include medical device software development, web and mobile application development, machine control software and firmware, as well as monitoring and data acquisition software.
We provide on-site software installation and configuration, test automation, system verification, tools validation, and comprehensive commissioning support to ensure a smooth transition.
Enhance user satisfaction with our usability services, including user research, UX/UI design, and the development of prototypes for rigorous user testing.
Our know-how covers many areas, including control systems and integration, robotics, medical image processing, workflow management & analytics, hospital information-systems integration and establishing optimal workflows.
Do you have a question?
Would you like to know how we can help you with your next project?
How we collaborate
We kick-off by clearly defining the requirements of your project.
We can provide initial feasibility studies, which can include insurance policies, technology evaluation, comparison of vendors, potential number of patients, demography and more.
We can assist in IP commercialization, with full royalites and recognition.
We can work in adaptable business and collaboration setups.
Our strength is collaborating with your internal engineering team on dedicated software and hardware development.
We can also support existing software services and maintenance.
What services can we provide for your device development?
Are you interested in how we can help you with our medical development services?
How our software services benefit your device
Reduce development risks.
Delivery on-time and in-budget.
Development according to medical standards (IEC 62304, ISO 14971, IEC 60601 family, IEC 62366-1).
Peak load management.
(Medical services remove your need to employ large, in-house development teams, ensures on-time delivery and includes documentation required by medical standards.)
Flexibility and on-site work enable clinics to handle dynamic issues in device commissioning faster and more effectively.
Development using new technologies (FLASH, adaptive).
Enabling you to focus on your core device or clinical expertise.
On-site integration, installation & commissioning speed up your project with our team collaborating with you live.