Development of a radio frequency telecommunication system for small satellites
Development of a radio frequency telecommunication system for small satellites
Technology readiness level: from TRL5 to TRL9
Keywords: space industry, circular economy, Smart specialization, green deal, innovation
Brief description of the project
Mankind is intensifying conquering the space, number of racket launces and number of spacecrafts in the earth orbit is raising and we are moving further into the solar system. Many space-fearing countries are intensifying their space investments in next decades. This is confronted with ecological and financial challenges. Best response for these challenges is miniaturization of space components. The miniaturization reduces use of materials and energy for same end beneficial result. This has positive effect for both financial outcome and ecological load on environment (less waste in the production and de-orbiting, less rocket full spent at launch and consequently less pollution and less CO2 emissions). Our mission is to continue the development of RF telecommunication components, what are part of payload on any kind of satellite, not only small sat. Every satellite needs telecommunication with other satellites or ground stations, and we are in excellent position to develop a product, that is smaller, lighter and more efficient in all regards in comparison to the current solutions and to be among first in this segment. We start with the project at the end for TLR5, since certain assumptions and basic technological elements and concepts has been already successfully confirmed in laboratory and in simulated conditions. In order to reach our goal we have to accomplish certain activities, which are summarized in following list:
• modeling prototypes of individual modules of an RF unit, processing unit and power supply unit
• integration of modules • development of software (firmware) for modules
• development of simulator for testing of software
• modeling of prototype of RS system
• testing and final verification of the prototype for qualification for the production
Activities necessary for successful project completion include as well project management and promotion to potential clients.
Project goal: Develop a high-frequency RF telecommunication component for small satellites up to the TRL9 level, which in effect means that the component is ready for industrial production. The end product is a fully functional high-frequency RF telecommunication component for small sat systems, intended for inter-satellite communication or for satellite-ground communication.
Information on project:
- Duration: 12/2022-11/2024
- Total value of the project: 619.618 €
- EU contribution: 299.881 €
- Cosylab’s value of the project: 251.452,009 €, out of which expected subsidies are 100.580,82 €
- Partners: Paradigma Technologies d.o.o., Cosylab d.d.
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#NOO #NextGenerationEU #EUsredstva
“Radio Frequency (RF) telecommunication components for small satellites,” the joint project of Cosylab d.d. and Paradigma Technologies d.o.o., has been approved for co-funding through the “Incentives for R&D projects” under the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovenian government, funded by the EU and its NextGenerationEU program. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.